•• Main Window This window is the central window of the AudioClock program. The following are brief descriptions of the main window's components and controls: • Digital Display: This display has three parts. First part is the current time. Second part is the AM/PM sign. and finally the alarm sign which indicates that the alarm is activated. • Play Button: User can initiate the play from disk using this button. After clicking this button, the currently selected alarm sound would be played once. • Record Button: After pressing this button you would be presented with a recording dialog which allows you to record a voice message if you have sound recording capability on your Mac. • Start/Stop Button: Using this button you can activate the timer feature of AudioClock. • Reset Button: resets the timer. • Snooze Button: Advances alarm time by the amount selected in the snooze menu. • Hour and Minute Buttons: Use this buttons to set the alarm. • Alarm Button: This button (next to the alarm display) activates the alarm. • Shrink Button (squares next to the AudioClock label): This button can be used to shrink the window if user does not require interaction with AudioClock. Doing so would allow saving of precious desktop area. The small window can be dragged on the desktop by click-dragging anywhere in the miniature window except the shrink button.